Good Food Oxfordshire Network
If your business, organisation or group produces, supplies or uses local and sustainable food, shares the values of the Oxfordshire Good Food Charter and is taking steps to work towards a better food system for Oxfordshire, you can sign the Charter and be listed here as a Good Food Oxfordshire Network member.
Joining our network is free, and all you need to do is sign the Charter with a pledge around what you are doing, or are planning to do, to support the vision of the Charter and contribute to a better food system for all in Oxfordshire. To get some inspiration, you can view the pledges our existing members have made here. And please email us for any further information.

Abingdon Community Larder (SOFEA)
Community Food Service
Trinity Church, Conduit Road, Abingdon, UK OX14 1DB
Wendy Hunter
01235 510774
FRIDAY 10:00AM–10:45AM. Larder will open at 9:30am for refreshments.
It is a Food Membership Scheme. From £3.50 a week members can choose from 10 food items in boxes and tins and jars, and as much fruit and vegetables as they want. It is not means tested – open to all, and aims to help some people who are finding food too expensive. The food – that would otherwise go to waste because of reasons such as oversupply - comes from supermarkets like Tesco and Asda. The larder is part of the charity SOFEA. They not only help stop food waste, but also provide training for young people who did not get the best out of education and need practical skills before getting into employment.
GFO Charter Pledge
Community Food Service
St Aldates Parish Centre, 40 Pembroke Street OX1 1BP
01865 254 800
If you’re in Oxfordshire and need help, please email us at Make sure you include your name and phone number and we’ll call you back.
Together, we form a community of support for people in prison, sleeping rough or on a journey towards independent living.
Monday night meal - We’d love to welcome you to our Monday evening drop-in dinner. You’ll get a hot meal, cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate and a chance to get to know the team.
Where: St Aldates Church Centre (40 Pembroke Street, Oxford OX1 1BP)
When: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Community meal - You’re invited to join us for Sunday lunch with good food and live music in a safe place.
Where: St Aldates Church Centre
When: 2.00pm on the first Sunday of each month
GFO Charter Pledge
Baby Toddler Family Food
GFO Network Member
Cooking Activity
42 Bassett Avenue, Bicester ox26 4tz
Email or phone
Hello 👋
I am especially passionate about producing healthy balanced meals. Through individual work and classes I support family's and children to enjoy and experience a broad range of food.
I run Wean with Me and Fun with Food classes for Baby's (from 6months) and littleones.
Wean with me is a course designed to support parents to introduce a broad range of food to their babies in a safe and friendly environment. The course has been designed following NHS and Solid starts guidance.
The class Fun with Food (11months-5yrs) is filled with food activities, encouraging littleones to explore new textures, develop their food knowledge and confidence.
We also have a dining experience, where food options are presented for parents and littleones to explore.
GFO Charter Pledge
By this time next year, babytoddlerfamilyfood will have supported 50 families and littleones to
-Develop their food confidence by touching and exploring food.
-Develop their food knowledge.
-They will have been provided with individualised resources to support there food journey. This may include recipes, online resources, and recommendations.
Banbury Foodbank
Community Food Service
Hardwick Centre, St Francis Church, Highlands OX16 1FA
Sarah Williams
Telephone 01295 661304 Voice messaging service only
If you are in need of food, please contact our designated Trussell Trust Citizens Advice Helpline on 0808 208 2138 to receive an E-Referral code. We also have a number of local referral agencies who can issue e-vouchers e.g. Citizens Advice, Healthcare professionals, GP surgeries, Schools, Community groups, Housing associations, Job centres, Mental health charities and Addiction support groups.
What is provided? 3 days emergency food parcel.
Opening days and times
Mon 10am –12noon St Joseph`s Church Banbury
Tue 10am –12noon The Peoples Church Horsefair Banbury
Wed 10am –12noon St Joseph`s Church Banbury
Thurs 10am –12noon & 6pm-7.30pm St Francis Church Highlands Banbury
No cost for food - need to be referred and bring a referral code to one of the above opening times.
We do not provide a delivery service.
Clients can receive 3 food parcels in a 6 month period.
We signpost clients to an onsite CAB advisor at our Tuesday session for specific help and advice to help them improve their financial situation.
GFO Charter Pledge
Barracks Lane Community Garden
Community Garden
Cooking Activity
Barracks Lane, Oxford, OX4 2AP
Hannah Jones, Coordinator
BLCG is a beautiful green space in Oxford for everyone to use and enjoy by visiting, booking for a private function or by coming along to one of the many events and activities that are held throughout the year. The Garden Project has charitable status and is run by members of the community. The Garden is fully accessible and safe for small children. In the garden there is a living green roof and solar panels, rainwater harvesting system, compost system, wildlife corridor and bug hotel.
Barracks Lane Community Garden is running a Food and Skill Share project. This involves us providing a free lunch every other Tuesday to OX4 residents. The dates of the lunches can be found here:
GFO Charter Pledge
Berinsfield Community Larder
Community Food Service
The Berin Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, Wallingford, UK OX10 7LZ
01865 341944
Our Community Larder, run in conjunction with Sofea, is open every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. For a small weekly membership fee of £3.50, you can take home items from the Larder which otherwise would go to landfill due to supermarkets over-stocking or changing their packaging. This includes up to 10 items of store cupboard or chilled goods, and a bag of fresh fruit and vegetables. The larder is not means tested, anyone can join, whether you're looking to save money or save the planet (or both!). Please sign up directly with Sofea www.
Additional services offered:
Alternate Wednesdays we host Citizen's Advice at the centre for appointments. Please contact The Berin Centre if you'd like to book an appointment. We also deliver a whole host of other services throughout the rest of the week - please see our website and social media for details. We're currently in the process of fundraising to build a brand new Community Cafe on the site too, offering home-cooked food and cookery classes - watch this space!
GFO Charter Pledge
Bicester Community Hub
Community Food Service
Eco Business Centre
Joanne Wilson
The Bicester hub saves food that is heading to landfill, perfecly good, safe food to give out to the community to use, aiming for zero waste.
We suppourt community projects such as the open doors cafe, baby bank, food bank, ect.
We try and crate a friendly, welcoming enviroment for the community to make friends and feel comfortabel to ask for anything else they may need.
GFO Charter Pledge
To Save food from Landfill.
Blacklands Organics
GFO Network Member
1 Westmill Cottages, Watchfield, Swindon, SN6 8TH
Jamie Carr
07807 887428
Blacklands Organics is a 10 acre certified organic veg farm. Family run, we supply our delicious seasonal veg into Oxford at Headington Market, and from our farm near Faringdon at our honesty box shop.
GFO Charter Pledge
We pledge to increase our carbon capturing potential by increasing our soil bio life with regenerative farming practices.
Blue Sky Eco Cafe
GFO Network Member
Long Furlong Community Centre, Boulter Drive, Abingdon OX14 1XP
Susan Hammersley
Blue Sky Eco cafe serves vegetarian lunches on the first Tuesday each month noon - 2pm using ingredients that are locally sourced, organic and seasonal wherever possible. Our menu is comprised of health giving whole foods -grains, beans and pulses -and our aim is to encourage everyone -even meat eaters- that a vegetarian meal can be both nutritious and delicious. All food is freshly prepared by a small band of volunteers who share our values. As a social, community enterprise we are a not-for profit venture. We seek out ingredients which are fairly traded. Our motto is......'Good for the planet, good for you!'
GFO Charter Pledge
we want to continue trying out new delicious recipes with unusual whole grains, nuts, lentils, beans etc to encourage people to eat less meat and still enjoy a nutritious and tasty meal. each month we aim to give nutritional information on a specific wholefood grain used in a recipe.
Botley Meadow Bees
GFO Network Member
212 Botley Rd, Oxford OX2 0HW
Mark Sandham
01865 241179
We are a small apiary in West Oxford, supplying natural raw honey and beeswax products to the community, directly and through local shops (bee miles, not food miles!). Our honey is raw and unheated, preserving its health benefits. As natural beekeepers, we focus on the bees' welfare and aim to contribute to a strong local gene pool. We promote natural beekeeping and raise public awareness of environmental campaigns through our website and blogs.
GFO Charter Pledge
We aim to meet the demand for local, unadulterated honey. We will also further raise public awareness about the importance of honey bees and other pollinators for ecosystems and the food chain, and highlight the perils that bees face from pesticides, habitat loss, unhealthy commercial beekeeping practices, and climate change.
Bruern Farms
OxFarmToFork Producer
Bruern Farms, Chipping Norton OX7 6QE
Located in West Oxfordshire, Bruern Farms cultivates a variety of heritage grains, produces cold-pressed sunflower oil, and offers sustainably sourced venison—all raised with care for the environment.
GFO Charter Pledge
This organisation has not included their GFO pledge yet.
Carterton Community Foodbank
Community Food Service
The Sanctuary, Carterton Methodist Church, Burford Road, Carterton, UK OX18 3AG
Lynn Little
Carterton Community Foodbank operates on a referral system from all Government agencies as well as CAB- GP's- Schools. We provide support to everyone that is facing financial hardship.
Food parcels provided 7 days a week.
We are also provider of warm spaces.
GFO Charter Pledge
The CCF will continue to support our community at every opportunity by providing advice on healthy eating and lifestyle . To sign post to other organisations that provide the appropriate advice .
Our aspiration is to have our own building so that we can offer a wider choice of support within this field and open 5 days a week as drop in centre for those in need.
The Carterton Community Hub .
Cherwell Larder
Community Food Service
Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington, UK OX5 1AB
Emily Connally
01865 817676
Cherwell Larder Marketplace
- Thursdays: Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington, UK OX5 1AB,
- Fridays and Saturdays: WISH, 4 The Parade, Kidlington OX5 1EE.
A Surplus Food Marketplace - open to all in the community, with no fixed cost. We ask all visitors to pay-what-you-can (no minimum) to help with costs.
- We hold a surplus marketplace every Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11 - 2 pm. We cannot guarantee the availability of any product, as it all depends on the surplus we get from our partner Oxford Food Hub. Join our Whatsapp group and facebook page for updates on what's available.
- We also have the Climatarian Kitchen café on site, taking small pay-what-you-can donations for hot drinks and food, all cooked from surplus. Please bring your own reusable shopping bags, containers for any dairy products (milk) & empty egg boxes to make the most of our services!
- Citizens advice is on site most Thursdays, and a pay-what-you-can seated exercise class is offered Thursdays at 11.30am.
To view all events and details, please visit:
GFO Charter Pledge
Reduce the carbon footprint of our community.
Childrey Stores
GFO Network Member
High Street , Childrey, Wantage , OX12 9UE
We are a small boutique village store supplying Artisan products, some local and some from further afield. Sourdough supplied by Lynwoods, Nettlebed Cheese, Chalkstream smoked trout and Isle of Wight tomatoes to name a few. We also have a small café serving fabulous locally roasted coffee from UE, cakes and bakes, sausage rolls and light café style lunches. It's a real emporium for foodies who like slightly different things one can't necessarily find in a supermarket. We also have a small selection of gifts, pottery and homewares .
GFO Charter Pledge
To continue to source and discover wonderful local produce that we can sell in our store, hence supporting smaller businesses and spreading the foodie love .
Climatarian Kitchen
Community Food Service
Cooking Activity
Exeter Hall, Kidlington, OX5 1AB
Emily Connally
Our food surplus café provides cooking courses that showcase local, seasonal ingredients. Café menus have included incredibly popular dishes such as coconut chickpea curry, falafel and pumpkin hummus with fresh salad, climatarian shepherd’s pie, and more! The café runs on love and donations.
We accept donations on a “give what you can” basis, but we do also include suggested prices on our menus. Our carbon costing system integrates education into every dining experience. Carbon prices are £1/ car-mile carbon footprint equivalent, which is in keeping with our guiding principle of keeping it green and keeping it clean.
GFO Charter Pledge
This organisation has not included their GFO pledge yet.
Coleshill Organics
OxFarmToFork Producer
The Estate Office, 59, B4019, Coleshill, Swindon SN6 7PT
Established nearly 30 years ago, this farm is nestled within a historic walled garden on the Coleshill Estate. Sonia and her dedicated team produce organic vegetables while working in harmony with nature.
GFO Charter Pledge
This organisation has not included their GFO pledge yet.
Compass Group at The University of Oxford
GFO Network Member
The University Club, 11 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SZ
Veryan Palmer
Responsible for the nineteen Beyond Ordinary Food cafes within the University of Oxford, working towards a more sustainable provision of food for University students and staff. WeâÂÂre the people behind the food, hospitality and support services that power your day, make you smile and put a spring in your step. Just one of the reasons why weâÂÂre the UK and IrelandâÂÂs No.1 catering and support services provider
GFO Charter Pledge
Committing to cut foodwaste and increase recycling
Community Food Service
GFO Network Member
Cornerstone at The Corner House, Market Street, Charlbury, OX7 3PL
Jo Paton
01608 810230
Cornerstone runs at The Corner House in Market Street, at the centre of Charlbury and we are open Monday – Saturday 10am -1pm. You can come and help yourself to local and surplus fruit and vegetables, and often other surplus foods. We work with Charlbury Deli, Chloes, Oxford Food Hub and SOFEA to access surplus food as well as other local sources.
Our community food shelf is always stocked for people to help themselves from when they need to. Second hand books, games and jigsaws are available for a small donation and we run a school uniform exchange for Charlbury Primary School uniform.
Food support can be provided for households needing a bit of help during a challenging financial time. For information or to self-refer please email
GFO Charter Pledge
To pull in more local surplus food for sharing with the local community, and to enable all that need food support to be able to access the Cornerstone project.
Cutteslowe Community Larder
Community Food Service
Cutteslowe Community Association, 31 Wren Road, Oxford OX2 7SX
Tom Murray
07851 600778
Cutteslowe Community Larder is at Cutteslowe Community Association every Wednesday, 14:00 -16:00.
The Cutteslowe Community Larder is a weekly community hub, that has at the heart of it a membership based community larder supported by the charity SOFEA. The Cutteslowe Community Larder obtains food from SOFEA, who rescue (from suppliers / supermarkets) and re-distribute hundreds of tonnes of food surplus each year, supporting families in need while reducing food waste. The Cutteslowe Community larder is run by volunteers and is a partnership between SOFEA and Cutteslowe Connected Church and Cutteslowe Community Association.
The vision for this larder is that it will, combat food poverty, reduce food waste and help build community. It was initially set up around a food larder, but increasingly more and more “wrap around” services have been added, including: Citizens Advice drop in session, a community café which offers a free, healthy, hot lunch and an opportunity to help out with an allotment project each week.
The Cutteslowe Community Larder seeks to provide food to the community at low cost, in order to combat food poverty and to reduce food waste. This membership is open to anyone and is not means tested. Members pay a monthly fee via direct debit and will come to the larder weekly to select the food that they would like. A single membership is £3.50 per week for 10 items + fruit and veg and a family membership is £7 per week for 20 items + fruit and veg.
GFO Charter Pledge
Cutteslowe Greenhouse
GFO Network Member
31 Wren Road, Oxford OX2 7SX
Marta Lomza
We are a new community-led project which seeks to create an opportunity for people to connect with nature and each other in the Cutteslowe area. We are working to secure a lease on the greenhouses located in the centre of Cutteslowe Park, as a base for our future activities. In the meantime, we put on regular events in the area, with the aim of strengthening existing community connections and learning nature-related skills from each other. Events include food surplus cafe-style community lunches, guided nature-spotting and foraging walks, and community orchard work parties. We are interested in all nature-related skills, but food makes up a substantial part of our activities, and sustainable growing and cooking will be a big part of our future activities. Our goal is to strengthen community resilience in the area, through more community connections, skills, and resources to grow, process and share organic, sustainable, culturally appropriate and healthy food.
GFO Charter Pledge
To help people in the community share their skills around cooking with food that might otherwise go to waste. To help people improve their confidence and skills when it comes to growing and processing their own fruit and veg.